@rml @ldbeth @galdor @svetlyak40wt Maybe try invoking common lisp's 'INSPECT to enter inspection mode? A simple (or complicated) device is to use 'MACROLET to exploratorily locally clobber erstwhile function calls. I think scheme works too differently to common lisp for debugging to be the same. I'm not going to try to talk about lldb.
Notices by screwtape (screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org)
screwtape (screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org)'s status on Saturday, 22-Apr-2023 00:48:25 CEST screwtape -
screwtape (screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org)'s status on Saturday, 22-Apr-2023 00:48:24 CEST screwtape @rml @svetlyak40wt @galdor @ldbeth it's very cool: I still want to read more of the lisp papers about scheme. I'm not really sold on the things continuation passing allows (easily) that common lisp's evaluation model doesn't though.
screwtape (screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org)'s status on Saturday, 22-Apr-2023 00:48:13 CEST screwtape @rml which lisp? @svetlyak40wt @galdor @ldbeth honestly I don't use common lisp's lldb or even 'inspect much so I second this question. What are some good things to start fixing?
screwtape (screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org)'s status on Saturday, 22-Apr-2023 00:48:04 CEST screwtape @ldbeth @rml I like that article and hamfistedly express those ideas sometimes. But I have a few comments about continuations as a non-schemer.
I think the reason continuations were mandated like this is that there are a few constructs (which never happen and at great cost) that are only possible beautifully and in the correct complexity with continuations exactly like this; that we simply must do something else for in common lisp.
@Sandra continuations?
screwtape (screwtape@mastodon.sdf.org)'s status on Monday, 20-Feb-2023 09:06:10 CET screwtape @ekaitz_zarraga I get video not found