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Hijos del Agobio: “Powerpop!” (31/03/2017) Continuamos el repaso a las bandas y discos de los subgéneros del rock que más nos gustan con el mejor powerpop a base de enérgicos guitarreos y maravillosas melodías: Baby blue (Badfinger, Straight up, 1971), Go all the way (Raspberries, Raspberries, 1972), September gurls (Big Star, Radio city, 1974), I can’t hide (Flamin’ Groovies, One night stand, 1986, LP), Whe you find out (The Nerves, The Nerves, 1976), Rock n’ Roll girl (The Beat, The Beat, 1979, LP), My sharona (The Knack, Get The Knack, 1979, LP), Time for action (Secret Affair, Glory boys, 1979), Page 3 (The Lambrettas, Beat boys in the Jet age, 1980), Man with a girl proof heart (The Records, Crashes, 1980), Inside my brain (Los Potros, Black Light, 1990, LP).… !radioslibres