@ekaitz_zarraga beard oil is your friend! It really helps with the itching and to take care of your skin. And there are some beard oils that don't have any strong smells if that's something that might bother you (I can't stand strong smells).
@ekaitz_zarraga yup combing definitely helps, and trimming the moustache so that you don't eat more moustache than food 😅For the beard oil I really like this one: https://www.getjackblack.com/beard-oil.aspx (basically odourless and I think that you can find it in many places, but I haven't checked much more)
@ekaitz_zarraga Puntu batetik aurrera, nik kapaka ebaki behar izaten dut, bestela patillas locas hasten zaizkit. 😃 Baina hori bakoitzaren ileen formaren arabera izango dela uste dut.