All of these people want to lose: they need there always to be something in the way that prevents them getting whatever it is they pretend to want to do done. Supongo que se podría decir que ha hecho una buena definición de los que nunca pasamos del hello world en lisp.
@spectrumgomas I'm a Schemer and not CL, but I haven't found it necessary to use Emacs or any IDE; #Scheme is very comfortable in any editor that can match parens, which is a low bar. I write code in editor, paste into REPL, or edit code in REPL (Chez Scheme has a great REPL editor) and copy it into editor.
@mdhughes I didn't mention the article for that reason, I wanted to point out that the " they need there always to be something in the way that prevents them getting whatever it is they pretend to want to do done" is quite in line with my own personality.