Tresna txiki bat egin dut zure Twitch txat-a ozenean irakurtzeko.
Software librea da. Noski.
Dependentzia gutxi ditu. Garapenean dago oraindik baina erabili daiteke.
Frogatu eta kontatuko didazue.
Tresna txiki bat egin dut zure Twitch txat-a ozenean irakurtzeko.
Software librea da. Noski.
Dependentzia gutxi ditu. Garapenean dago oraindik baina erabili daiteke.
Frogatu eta kontatuko didazue.
@neil I'm going to make probably a big mistake but: what makes Scotch pancakes different to just... pancakes...?
@drewdevault atm i think packaging hare itself is a little bit time consuming/complex... If we could improve that, it would be really cool.
@txikillana @erralin @eider Eiderrek parrapas esaten du hahahah
@erralin JAKO
@erralin Eibarretik kanpo esaten da?
@erralin nola esaten duzu TOBOGÁN?
(gaztelaniaz diot)
@civodul Also I suggested this because I see @eider use her debian more comfortably from the GUI than the command line, even if she's able to deal with the commands too, she prefers the UI.
She's not a non-technical user, she is an engineer, but not centered in free-software.
Yesterday she installed a debian from the live installer, using all graphical. I wouldn't expect her to install a debian from the old terminal based interface...
Even with the ui, the partitioning step was hard for her.
@civodul I'd like to do one, but as always... I need the funds because eating is a habit I can't leave... :)
@cdc that's really cool, mate!
@civodul @luis_felipe I need a box of them to spam my neighbors with them!
@civodul Then when they are forced to manually code stuff, in order to fix their systems, you'll keep that?
It's a great platform for user-coders, but if they don't have the coding part... I don't think they can fit in guix. Mostly also if we consider the approach people follows in the IRC and the help-guix mailing list.
Users are encouraged/forced-to to write code...
I'm not saying it's bad, but it might be unexpected for them if it's not clearly stated.
@civodul Maybe we should make a Qt interface for package searching and installation like debians and ubuntus have... and also for system management... IDK
@thephd Better do some template metaprogramming in C++! You can write a lisp on them!
(fuck no fuck nooooo)
@dthompson Which kind of advantages? Let's discuss...
@drewdevault all done by a bot... !
@aeva @dthompson verification cannot
@PaniczGodek I was thinking about compilation complaining about things...
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