@ekaitz_zarraga Past Reality Integration (https://www.pastrealityintegration.com/en) is a way of looking at such things and dealing with them. It's based in neuroscience, and reading about it made me understand much more of how my brain works, and how it influences how I feel about things. Maybe it can help you too?
@ekaitz_zarraga That's why I didn't ask for the rational reason, but the "why do you feel" reason ;-)
Often enough such "I don't know where it comes from" feelings can be really strong, and kick in really quickly. This can be an indication that it has to do with something in your past, from a really young age.
f.e. babies are fragile and don't sense time yet, so anything threatening is immediately life-threatening and forever. It could be a blanket not covering you well that ends up as trauma.
@ekaitz_zarraga What makes the bad side of things so enticing that it's worth so much of your time, mood, and sanity?
In other words: what, do you feel, will go wrong when you ignore some bad sides?
I don't know the answers, everyone's different. Maybe pondering such questions will help you find yours. Be sure to really get a concrete answer, it'll help.
Instead of plastic cling film, we nowadays use bees wrap, which is cotton infused with bees wax. It works remarkably well, much better than the stupid plastic. Smells good too.
If that's not enough to get you enthousiastic, yeah, it's good for the environment too.
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