@zital melofo faltan zen XD
Notices by Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Tuesday, 07-May-2019 12:17:54 CEST Txus Ordorika -
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Thursday, 21-Mar-2019 13:49:47 CET Txus Ordorika @ekaitz_zarraga ni ere bai, askoz hobeto sentitzen naiz.
Eta ikasi, askoz gehiago. Benetako hackerrak hemen topatu dute haien lekua, eta inoiz baino pozago nago.
Benetan pozten naiz hemen egoteaz
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Monday, 18-Mar-2019 13:27:57 CET Txus Ordorika Quite happy to read a surveillance capitalism review in one well known Spanish magazine.
I'm quite surprised to read this in mainstream media.
My bet is that @aral is happy, since he's the first person which I read this subject from
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Wednesday, 13-Mar-2019 09:11:25 CET Txus Ordorika @kensanata I discovered gopher when I joined tilde.team, and I´m quite interested in it.
But, atm arduino and non'sleeping babies fill my hacking nights
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Saturday, 09-Mar-2019 21:59:20 CET Txus Ordorika Besarkada handi bai nire etxe azpian dagoen batukadari, gaixo dauden nire bi semengandik
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Sunday, 17-Feb-2019 18:53:56 CET Txus Ordorika @wim_v12e
I must confessions that for complex things I use functional JS over OOP.But I tend to mix them because I love chaos, destruction and Satan
@ekaitz_zarraga -
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Wednesday, 30-Jan-2019 08:04:18 CET Txus Ordorika I forgot the mandatory link
https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/library/openaccess/theses -
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Wednesday, 30-Jan-2019 08:02:15 CET Txus Ordorika TIL publicly funded PhD thesis must go public. An embargo of 12 months can happen under extraordinary circumstances.
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Sunday, 27-Jan-2019 14:05:12 CET Txus Ordorika 18 urte dauka liburu honek, eta oraindik da interesgarria #pekka #himanen #hacker #ethic
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Tuesday, 15-Jan-2019 15:11:22 CET Txus Ordorika @zital @ekaitz_zarraga SENIOR R&D engineer
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Friday, 11-Jan-2019 13:00:28 CET Txus Ordorika -
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Monday, 15-Oct-2018 14:36:33 CEST Txus Ordorika @ekaitz_zarraga @zital "txipiroiak zuritxie" esan du batek. Farreak.
Hosti, ba nik ezaguten dut bermiotar hiztegi online bat.
Ezetz ba!
Eta esteka bidali: http://zital-pi.no-ip.org
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Monday, 01-Oct-2018 14:20:46 CEST Txus Ordorika Last week I spent doing 3 simple scripts to ease my life (basically automating the copy of build libs et al), and I think I'm about 10% faster doing things now
Txus Ordorika (txusinho@mastodon.host)'s status on Friday, 21-Sep-2018 10:04:38 CEST Txus Ordorika Something I'm very proud of: since the return of vacations, I've drunk 0 cokes during office hours