Bad idea of the day: an online game where, for one player, it's a tetris-style falling-block game, but for the other player, those blocks form the map for a side-scrolling platformer.
Hot take: gopher is not a failed attempt to invent the WWW, but its own crystallization of a coherent philosophy -- to present jump links between text files, without all the other bollocks. That makes it as valuable today as it was 25 years ago.
@endomain@ekaitz_zarraga@CharredStencil@enkiv2 Transmitting the same bytes over gopher might be slower, but I don't think that's really what we're talking about. (If it is, we shouldn't be.) Webtech as a whole presents a lot of opportunities to transmit more bytes, and a lot of incentives to do so, & web devs usually take every such opportunity. Optimizations like QUIC make this marginally sustainable for top 10% users. Gopher remains as usable as it was in 1992.
@CharredStencil@ekaitz_zarraga@enkiv2 Joel is *very* wrong about rewrites. His logic only applies if you're locked into a design so bad that corner cases are unavoidable (as you are with web-tech). Gopher clients & gopher servers are easy to write because gopher has a simple & consistent design.
@ekaitz_zarraga@grainloom@enkiv2@jamey Right. If I can't get away with eliminating a dependency & therefore breaking changes are unavoidable, I will usually write a polyfill to make both versions operate the same way (or close enough that my code doesn't care). Most devs don't do that, but I also don't run software written by most devs so it doesn't matter.
@grainloom@jamey Simultaneously the best and worst thing about Lua is that it doesn't have a rich *anything* library in the standard. (So it fits on a floppy & will run on MS-DOS or RiscOS unmodified.) Python is exactly the opposite: ships with no fewer than 3 distinct irc libraries.
Procrastination is so weird. Now that I promised myself I'd finish the game this month, I've spent all my free time on a mastodon client & on porting my in-progress book's typesetting toolchain from html to latex.
The point of 'big and small computing' is that too often programmers make the computing equivalent of assuming that spaghetti carbonara must taste awful because it can't be canned.
Being aware of the difference in needs between industrial-scale and human-scale processes is a prerequisite for avoiding this kind of confusion.
A pig in a cage on antibiotics. Ex-Xanadu, resident hypertext crank. "Under electronic conditions, there is no escape" @enkiv2 @nkiv2