@ekaitz_zarraga gogoratzen dut gazteago nintzenean eta C++ ikasten nuen SFMLarekin, baina zoritxarrez ez dut pentsaten gorde nuela zer egin nituenak! Zorte on eta lagundu behar baduzu, mezu bat bidali 👍
@ekaitz_zarraga In my free time (or what's left) I'm working on a "data oriented" game engine in C++ with modularity in mind (and it's not quite easy with cpp) so I'm trying to do it with as much Lua I can (thanks https://github.com/ThePhD/sol2 )
The goal is not the engine (tho it's funny) it's a little pvp game I'd like to finish someday.
(And eventually open source the engine? I'm not going to compete with Godot or Unity ?)
(Shamelessly posting this, it's the project I worked on in my final year studies, but this is the 'professional revamped' version where half the team (not me) made a real studio to work on it !)
@ekaitz_zarraga A game is just a weird software, look at what I just saw that on mastodon.gamedev:
@banditjoj ? https://mastodon.gamedev.place/users/banditjoj/statuses/101654132509173752 - Today’s #gameidea: fighting game where the arena is a raft on the ocean and fish are flying through the air, you have to grab the fish as weapon of choice and use it to slap your opponent silly as much as possible before the fish (weapon) squirms their way out of your hand. Stronger fish like swordfish are harder to catch while sardines are easy ammo.
🎮 Game developer 🌍 Worked at Ubisoft, Novaquark and few other places🏡 In my own company now (https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@tokikostudio)👨🎓 ENJMIN alumni:ikurrina: Eta euskara ikasten ari naiz zuei esker Internet-en, mesedez lagundu nauzue nire euskara hobetzeko!